Condo Kitchen Remodel Tips & Ideas in Columbia, MD

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Your condo definitely deserves some sprucing up every once in a while and one of the things you can do to make it look better is to get a remodel. If you’re out of budget, then what you might want to do is to remodel your place piece-by-piece. What should you focus on first? We highly suggest focusing on your kitchen.

A kitchen is a part of the house that doesn’t get the attention it deserves. Whether it’s a house or a condo’s kitchen, it’s always important that you consider investing in your kitchen because it can up your home’s value significantly. Of course, you should also understand that getting a kitchen renovation is not as easy as it seems.

Kitchen remodeling services in Columbia, MD is very simple and trendy as well. There are a lot of things that you can do for your condo’s kitchen to make it more functional and beautiful. As there are so many things you can do for the betterment of your kitchen, it’s only imperative that you know which are the best ways to get the remodeling done.

This time, we are going to discuss some tips and ideas that are a part of the kitchen renovation in Columbia MD trending list. It’s going to be a good idea to check out these things that are commonly found in the kitchen of other homes but of course, you can still be open about how you remodel your condo kitchen.

However, keep in mind that these tips and ideas that we’re going to share are trendy for a reason. That reason being the fact that they are good options both stylistically and functionally. If you want to make your kitchen’s condo look and feel a lot better, then these ideas and trends are definitely the way to go.

Go Modular

Condo units are usually small and have limited space for the kitchen. As such, you should consider this for your condo kitchen remodel as contractors can provide you with a compact kitchen that’s both functional and beautiful. One way they can do this is by adopting a modular design for your kitchen and it is one of the trends for condos currently.

Going modular means providing your kitchen with equipment that is a perfect fit. This means everything from your oven to your kitchen cabinets. While challenging at first, going modular is one of the best ways you can make out the most out of the limited space you have inside your kitchen. On top of that, this looks very modern too.

The term modular simply means making sure that the items inside your kitchen are organized in a neat way. This means the space is utilized by each of the items that the contractors install. This compact design not only makes your kitchen more functional, it also makes it look great as well so consider this option.

Contrasting Colors

The good thing about small kitchens is that it can be very exciting to make color combinations out of the stuff inside. The best way to make the most out of your small kitchen aesthetically is by getting contrasting colors which can complement each other well. This ensures that your kitchen looks as beautiful as possible.

For instance, you can get white countertops and a white floor while your cabinets are black. Although contrasting, the colors are going to blend well with one another and they will look easy on the eyes. If you are looking for something more modern and simple, then this company for more ideas to do for remodeling.

Don’t limit yourself to simple black and white though. A modern condo kitchen can come in various shapes and sizes and it really depends on your taste. Having singular color motifs is a thing of the past. People prefer contrasting colors nowadays and that’s something worth looking into for your kitchen renovation.

Floating Shelves For Space

One of the biggest challenges of condo kitchens are the small size of them. Aside from modular setups, what you can do to make sure that you get the most out of your space for your Columbia Maryland kitchen is to use floating shelves for your kitchen. What are these you ask? Simply put, they’re going to change your life.

Floating shelves are basically planks of wood which are attacked on walls. As they are attached to the wall of your kitchen, they don’t necessarily take up too much space in your kitchen. You can be very creative with how you can use floating shelves and many condo owners have become smarter about how to use these.

If you love cooking and are very fond of organizing your ingredients, what you can do with your floating shelves is to make them as a rack for your herbs and spices. Not only will it make your ingredients more accessible, it can also make them look neater with the way they are organized on your wall.

When using it as a means to hold your ingredients, make sure that the rack has a border of some sort so that the items don’t fall off. Last lately, make sure that you install the shelves at a height you are comfortable with so that they don’t fall off.

Make Use Of Vertical Space

Another way to combat the small space of kitchen condos is to simply make the most out of the vertical space. People are so focused on making use of the horizontal space that they forget that kitchens can also be utilized from top to bottom as well. How can you make use of the vertical space in your kitchen?

The best way to do so is by simply getting kitchen cabinets that reach from top to bottom. These are going to ensure that your kitchen is able to have the most space available despite the fact that there’s actually little room in it. Vertical space is something that you should not be overlooking as it can help expand your kitchen to new heights.

Vinyl Tiles

The kitchen is one part of the bathroom where a lot of accidents can occur. Now, why is this the case? It’s simple really, it’s a part of the house that can get wet because of the work done in it. While cooking, you might find yourself mistakenly spilling liquids on the floor. If left untouched, you could slip and injure yourself on it.

If you are worried about your safety and health inside the kitchen, you should try and get vinyl tiles for the floor. These are a great option because they don’t become slippery even when they get wet. Perhaps the best part is that they aren’t hard to take care of. Vinyl tiles are very easy to install and they are cheap as well.

You should be wise when picking the type of flooring you’ll have for your kitchen. THe floors should be water proof as they will get wet most of the time inside your kitchen. They should also be slip resistant. That being said, we find that vinyl tiles are the best floor options for your kitchen.

Get A Countertop 

As your kitchen is small, you won’t be breaking the bank if you get a countertop. The countertop you need to install is going to be small and functional too so that means it’s both useful and beautiful at once. When it comes to picking the material, we suggest one of the big three – quartz, marble, and granite.

Kitchen countertops should always be considered when you are getting a kitchen makeover done. A kitchen countertop is a good investment as it can pay off as well. Your kitchen’s value will increase significantly once you get a kitchen countertop so make sure to ask your remodeling contractor to have this installed in your kitchen.

There are many brands that can accommodate your needs for your condo but you need to look carefully. It can be a bit challenging to find brands that can provide you with small countertops for your condot kitchen. If you do find one, make sure to snag the deal immediately as it’s a big investment on your end.

These are just some of the trendiest kitchen remodel Columbia Maryland has to offer. Although these are great trends to follow, keep in mind that your kitchen remodel is always going to be up to you. You can add a touch of personality to your condo’s kitchen. It’s always best to pick something that you are comfortable with after all.

At the end of the day, it’s still your kitchen. May these trends and ideas serve as a good inspiration for your kitchen renovation in the future. Remember, the only limit is your imagination so always feel free to explore all possible ideas for your small kitchen. Who knows, you might start a new trend with your kitchen renovation soon.

If you need free consultation and estimates, don’t hesitate to call our office today or visit us at Houzz anytime!

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