Ideas To Increase The Value Of A Basement

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Not surprisingly, people don’t put a lot of heart and soul with regards to the development of their basement. It’s often an unloved part of the house but you need to understand that it’s still yours to begin with. Basement remodeling services are always available to help you make your basement better. It doesn’t have to be that place that your children fear going into.

If you are planning on selling your home in the future, then you need to make sure that all aspects of it are perfect. This includes your basement. More and more people are remodeling their basement so that it adds more value to the house. It’s not just for reselling purposes, it’s also for the functionality and betterment of everyone living inside your home.

Understandably, it’s not easy to give value to a basement considering the stigma surrounding it. Lucky for you, we’ve got some excellent ideas on how you can remodel your basement into something nice and golden. Believe it or not, you can get really creative when it comes to remodeling your basement too.

Make It Into A Home Theater

Who says you have to have a mansion to get your home in-home theater? People nationwide are doing this great idea of turning their basement into a home theater because not only is it cool, it’s also smart! For starters, you’ll need to ready your budget first as home theaters are not at all cheap for your budget.

The first thing you need to look for is a great TV and speaker system that can accommodate your basement. Since basements are below ground, it’s easy to find speakers that can produce sounds strong and well-enough to make the viewing experience more immersive. You can even avail basement remodeling services to make your basement soundproof.

What’s great about turning your basement into a home theater is that since it’s underground, you don’t need to do much to make sure that it’s sound and light proof. You won’t disturb anyone outside with your strong speaker system. And no one outside will be able to disturb you as well, thus making it the perfect spot for a home theater.

Create A Game Room

If your family is one that’s filled with gamers, then it is a must that you turn your basement into a game room. This is actually a common practice nowadays too. When we say game room, this means equipping it with consoles, even those nostalgic anc classy arcades if you want too. It’s going to be a safe space for those who love gaming inside the house. 

A game room is also perfect during family reunions. It will be a place for the kids to hang around in while the adults mingle up-top. Aside from video games, make sure to add in board games and other fun party games into the room so that there are many ways to enjoy the basement. With a basement remodeling service, you’ll have a great game room in no time.

A Man Cave

You may have heard of the term man cave before. Basically, it’s a room in the house that’s reserved to the guys. This means designing the walls with sports memorabilias, posters, and much more. Man caves are often confused with game rooms but they are very different from one another. It can be a place for you and your pals to hang in as you watch your games on a Sunday.

A man cave shouldn’t be just about watching games, it should also be about playing them. Add a pool table or even a foosball table to make your game nights with the bros more fun. It’s all about making the basement more comfortable for you and the guys as you watch your game. Ask any guy to remodel my basement and they’ll suggest turning it into a man cave instead.

Get Your Own Bar

You’re lying if you say that getting a bar of your own wasn’t your dream before. If you have a spacious basement, then you’ll have no problem whatsoever when turning into a makeshift bar. It isn’t a bar that the locals drive to on a cold night. It could just be a bar where you and your friends hang out when you feel like it.

Having your own bar in your basement saves you the trouble of having to drive to and from your local bar hangouts everyday. To get your own bar up and running, all you need is a stool, a counter, a bunch of drinks, and friends to share it with. Of course, you can take extra steps to ensure that it’s as close to a real bar as it gets.

Hire a professional to give you your own tap system running. This will make it much easier for you to distribute things around. Moreover, it will help you relive your dream of becoming a real bartender. And if you feel like it, have it remodeled so that there’s an entrance to it outside and then poof, you have a dive bar in your basement.

Just remember to get the right permits before opening up your bar for business.

Make A PlayPen For The Kids

Instead of having your kids play outside the house, why not make it safer for them instead by letting them play in your house? If you make a playpen for the kids, then this is very possible. Believe it or not, a lot of parents are turning their basements into makeshift playpens for their kids. However, there’s a lot of work to be done if this is the direction you are going to take.

You’ll need the best basement remodels providers if you want to make your basement a playpen for your kids. Keep in mind that this isn’t just about making the area fun for the kids to play in. It should also be safe enough to ensure that they won’t get any injuries during playtime. Childproofing is often a task that’s best left to the hands of professionals instead of DIY techniques.

A Room For Your Collectibles

Whether you’re a comic book collector, an action figure collector, or a shoe collector, you must certainly understand how important it is to dedicate one part of the house for your hobby. Your wife might not like the idea of turning one of the rooms into a collectibles room but the basement? She won’t have any issues with it whatsoever.

One thing you need to know is that there’s a lot of preparation when it comes to turning your basement into a place for collectibles. For starters, the basement is prone to flooding and excess moisture. Basically the things that will ruin your collectibles over time. As such, it is important that you use higher professional basement remodeling services for it.

They need to work hard to make sure that the basement is flood and leak proof. This makes it easy for your collectibles to stay protected. It’s also important that you install a dehumidifier in your basement too. This will help remove all of the moisture that builds up in your basement, thus making your collectibles safe from getting water damage.

A Garden Utility Room

If you have a green thumb and a garden, then it’s very recommended that you turn your basement into a garden utility room. A garden utility room is where you will place all of your important tools and goods that help you when it comes to your gardening duties. It’s basically a safe space for those that love taking care of plants.

Some people remodel their basement into a garden utility room and they connect it to their garden. This is a great idea as it allows you to easily do garden stuff from your basement and have it transferred to your actual garden. If you have the right tools and technology, you can even grow some plants directly from your basement. For this, you need to have UV light installed.

A Workshop

This is the most common choice for homeowners. When you are working at a workshop, doing crafts or fixing stuff, the last thing you’d want is getting disturbed. If you turn your basement into a workshop, you’ll have a quiet and spacious place to help you work in peace. When you’re bored and you don’t feel like sleeping, you should head to your workshop slash basement, and do some crafts for the family.

Just because it’s your basement, doesn’t mean that it has to be boring. The truth is that the possibilities are endless when it comes to turning your basement into something more valuable. All you need is a creative mind and an even more creative remodeler to turn your basement into a valuable and magical part of the house.

We always offer flexible prices that fit your budget. To avail of our free estimate service and consultation, feel free to give us a call today or check us on Instagram anytime!

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