Tips For Hiring The Best Kitchen Remodeling Company

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Kitchen remodeling is no easy task. In fact, some would argue that it is harder to remodel a house than it is to build one. That isn’t very surprising though as during remodeling, contractors have to be careful so as to not ruin the overall appeal of the house. Where as in building one, they are free to do as they please.

If you are planning on getting your kitchen remodelled, then you are probably on the lookout for amazing companies that can do the job well. The word “amazing” is too broad however. What does it really mean for a kitchen remodeling company to be broad? This is a big investment on your end mind you. It is a must that you pick the right people for the job.

A kitchen remodeling can cost you around $10,000 at the very least and even $100,000 at most. It would be bad to hire the wrong people for the job as you won’t be able to get your money’s worth. As you would when it comes to picking a contractor to build a house, you should also be discerning when it comes to picking a company to remodel your kitchen.

With so many remodeling contractors to choose from, it does get hard picking the right company to do the job. However, we are going to help you out by helping you pick the right people during this time of need. It’s more than just about sticking with the popular contractors. It’s also about understanding every aspect that helps determine what makes a remodeling company actually great.

Get Recommendations/Read Through Reviews

If someone you know got remodeling work done on their house recently, then they can be a great source for recommendable contractors for the job. You can simply ask them about the contractor they chose to hire and whether or not the contractors are any good. Getting direct referrals from people you know is one of the ways you can guarantee quality service.

If you don’t have people that have had any remodeling done in the past years, you can simply read through reviews online. There are many websites and platforms that let users review the companies they interact with. This is a great way to filter the good from the bad from the comfort of your seat.

The last thing you’d want to do is solely rely on reviews that are posted on the company’s website. This is just common sense. Why would they want to post any review that put their line of work in jeopardy? Of course they’re only going to list down the reviews that are beneficial to them and their business.

One of the best places to check for reviews is through the company’s Facebook page. Here, you can check for both good and bad reviews of a contractor. The reviews should be unfiltered and simplified so that you fully understand what the company is capable of.

Look At Their Portfolio

One of the biggest mistakes you can make when looking for a remodeling contractor is not looking at the portfolio of the company you are planning to deal with. A portfolio is basically a collection of photos and even videos that showcase the past works done by the company. Any company who’s worth your time shouldn’t be afraid to give you a link to their portfolio.

A portfolio gives you a clearer look at what the company is capable of. It’s not enough for the portfolio to have a few images. It should have plenty of images showcasing their work. The more photos there are, the better it will be on your end as that means they are more experienced than other companies.

When looking at a company’s portfolio, there are a few other things that you need to check out. For starters, it would be great if the company showcases before and after shots of the kitchens they’ve worked on. Before and after shots let you look at exactly how well a company remodels a kitchen and if they’re in any way good, they wouldn’t have problems showcasing this.

Another thing you should look for are heavily edited photos. It’s tough to check for photo manipulation nowadays but it’s still possible to discern the real from the fake if you look well enough. Some companies are going to change a lot of things with regards to their photo so that it looks much better.

Credentials And More

The field of construction and design is a profession that’s mastered after years worth of studying and training. Any company worth your time should have the credentials to back their claim at their website. As an upcoming customer, it’s your responsibility and duty to look for these credentials to check out their legitimacy.

One of the first things you should ask for are diplomas and even educational attainments of the chief engineers working for the company. The best engineers for the job should have graduated from a related  course. It should be a given that the more renowned the school the engineers come from, the better it will be for you.

You should also ask for accreditations from regulatory commissions. These are proof that the company you are about to deal with has passed safety and quality standards. Some companies will also have accreditations that show that they are able to comply with green building standards which means they practice eco-friendly practices.

Companies show their credentials upfront as it showcases their worth without any problem. Kitchen remodeling is a serious job that requires professionals to actually accomplish without worries. Companies don’t want to show their credentials and accreditations are already showing big red flash that you might want to be cautious off.

Get Quotes

As we’ve said before, kitchen remodeling can be expensive. If you really want to get a ton of work done on your kitchen, you’ll need to spend thousands of dollars. This is why we’re really advocating that you choose your contractor as properly as possible. If you are on a budget, then you can try to keep up with it by getting quotes from various companies and then checking which one fits your capabilities. 

You can get a free quotation for your expected project from contractors. It’s ideal that you do this so you are prepared for the kitchen remodeling cost. What’s great about getting quotations is that you’ll also be able to compare each of the company’s prices. In most cases, you’ll find one that fits your budget.

Getting a quotation on the expected expenses is usually free. You just need to give them a picture of your kitchen and then tell them what you want to be remodeled. However, it would be best if the company is able to visit your kitchen firsthand so that they get a better look on what needs to be done.

You need to tell the contractors upfront if you are going to be on a budget for your kitchen remodel. This is important as they will most likely try to fit the work they’ll do depending on what you want done for the kitchen. Some companies are going to offer you discounts too. As such, getting a price quotation is one of the best things that you can do at this stage.

Look For A Contract

As kitchen remodeling is a sensitive matter, it is a must that there should be a contract between you and the contractor. A contract will serve as a legal protection between you and the company if ever anything goes awry throughout the duration of the project. Companies that don’t provide contracts between you and them are a big no-no.

Contracts will help ensure that you are going to get what you asked for. The company will be legally obligated to abide by the contract. Of course, the contract will also protect the company from any shortcomings on your end such as if you are suddenly unable to pay for the remodeling after it is done.

As much as possible, it is a must that there’s a contract between you and your contractor. Going into a deal without a contract is very bad for you. For starters, without a contract, companies won’t be held responsible for any damage they accidentally do to your house as they are doing the remodeling process.

It is imperative that you read the contract thoroughly before you sign it. There could be some guidelines that put you at a great disadvantage. You aren’t forced to sign the contract immediately so take your time in reading. Contract signing should never be rushed anyways.

Picking a remodeling company can be a tough job, especially if you don’t know what you are doing. It’s best that you do a lot of research and take a lot of time when it comes to picking the company of your choice. It’s going to be tough picking the perfect company but with our tips above, it will be much easier on your end.

For your free quotes and designs, feel free to call our office today or visit us on Yelp.

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