Top Bathroom Remodeling Trends in Washington DC

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Getting your bathroom remodeled is one of the best things you can do and it’s certainly a huge undertaking. In a place like Washington DC where people are very competitive about how their home looks, such investments are necessary if you want to make sure that your home’s value is always at a high.

Just because your bathroom isn’t as often visited as the bedroom or the living room, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you shouldn’t invest in it. In fact, you should see your bathroom in a different light. It’s one of the most functional parts of the house so it should be something that you should invest on when it comes to remodeling.

If you do decide to invest in a bathroom remodel, you are looking at spending somewhere around $10,000-$15,000 which is definitely not a small matter to consider. That means if you are going to get the remodeling done on your bathroom, you need to make sure that you get everything you want and that you are satisfied with all of the changes.

In Washington DC, people can be very picky with how they upgrade their homes. There are so many trends and popular options to abide by which make it hard to keep up sometimes. Whether you are looking to follow the remodeling trends Washington DC has to offer or are looking to create your own design choices for your bathroom remodel, it’s always good to look for inspiration elsewhere.

This time, we are going to check out some of the most important bathroom remodeling trends there are in Washington DC. These are the best remodeling options that homeowners have picked up in the last couple of months and it’s definitely something you should look forward to as well. Without further ado, here’s what those trends are.

Privacy Features

Adding a few privacy features for your bathroom design isn’t a bad idea too. What are we referring to when talking about privacy features? We are of course referring to things such as privacy walls which can separate the toilet from your shower. Privacy features don’t exactly hope to protect you from prying eyes from the outside.

Instead, these are features that add a touch of intimacy and comfort with people inside the house. Privacy options might seem like the last thing you’d want to add to your bathroom but when you see exactly how beautiful it can make a bathroom look, you are going to be very surprised and convinced about its addition to your home.

Smart Storage Options

Using bathroom cabinets and modular cabinets, you can add smart storage options for your bathroom. The bathroom houses a ton of stuff. Your bathing items, towels, skin care products, and so much more. Without the right storage options, you’re going to have to buy those ugly detachable compartments.

Smart storage options are going to be a good addition to your bathroom and they are currently one of the trending options to add to your kitchen renovation in Washington DC as well. These smart storage options include modular compartments and cabinets that make organizing fun and easier to do at the same time.

Due to its functionality,  these smart storage options have been the most preferred to by many homeowners in Washington DC. It’s one of the latest trends to hit the housing industry and you should highly consider it for your next home remodeling. What type of cabinets should you get?

We suggest having your bathroom design by a top kitchen and bath remodelers Washington DC to create custom cabinets for you. By this, we are talking about cabinets which are good as it considers a lot of your needs. You can get your quality kitchen cabinets Washington dc here. Be it your height or your color preferences, custom cabinets are the best option but they are the most expensive as well. However, sometimes, it’s really better to go all out.

Entertainment Features

Believe it or not, more and more people are spending longer times inside the bathroom. This is all thanks to the emergence of fun apps and smartphones that can get people preoccupied while inside the bathroom. That being said, one of the latest trends in the industry sees people installing entertainment features inside their bathroom.

When we say entertainment features, we aren’t referring to things like TVs, projectors and all that. Although these are welcome additions, we are referring to things like charging ports, radios, speakers, and many other things that can help improve your bathing experience. It might sound odd, but here us out first,

Imagine spending your time inside the bathtub. Candles lit, aromatic oils on, and all that’s left missing is a good ambient music to keep you even more relaxed. Entertainment features like these will make the bathing experience all the more amazing which is why it’s no longer surprising that people actually get speakers in their home.

Of course, these are very expensive appliances to add to your bathroom. If you are on a budget, it’s going to be okay getting a smart speaker inside your bathroom instead. This can make the experience all the more pleasant for you. Most importantly however, it’s a lot cheaper as compared to getting a TV.

Accessibility And Disability Features

If you have people inside the house who have special needs, then you might want to consider them as well for your bathroom renovation. They are going to fully appreciate it if you add things like handlebars, easy open doors, and other accessibility features for your bathroom. You can never be too safe after all.

Accessibility features simply make using the bathroom easier for those with special needs. This matters because people like those with disabilities or those who are at a certain age will need to be very careful inside the bathroom. All it takes is one wrong move and they can end up getting seriously injured which is obviously a bad idea.

We understand how concerned you might be with the well being of the people inside your home. Such accessibility features are going to be a good way to keep a close eye on them even if you are far away. What’s even better is that you should get an intercom for the bathroom so that they can call for help when needed.

Electric Heating For Floors

One of the most annoying things about taking a bath during the morning is having to step on the cold tiles. This can be very frustrating, let alone uncomfortable for some people. A good solution to this problem is to get electric heating for your floors. Believe it or not, this can make your bathing experience a lot better.

The problem with electric heating is that it can be very expensive for your bathroom. However, it’s one of the best bathroom remodeling trends Washington DC has to offer.

As such, make sure to make the necessary financial adjustments when getting it. However, we highly believe that this is one of the best things you can place your money on for your bathroom so it’s well worth every buck.

Keep in mind that this does consume electricity as well so make sure to consult with your bathroom remodeling Washington DC-based contractor about how much this can consume over time. The good news is that it’s not as expensive as you think so don’t worry too much about it.

More Windows

Having more windows inside your bathroom is a trendy idea too. It’s also one that comes with many benefits. For starters, more windows mean more open areas for the natural light to get through. On your end, this means lesser utility bills for your house. Letting the natural light in is always a good choice for the bathroom as it helps you see things clearer, especially being cleaned by some professionals from Next Day Cleaning.

Another good thing about having more bathroom windows is that it allows for air to move in as freely as possible. Having to shower while the breeze from the outside goes in is a very good experience whether you love taking a shower or you love spending your time around the bathtub.

A lot of people are worried about getting too many windows because of privacy concerns but bathroom contractors Washington DC-based companies know how to protect you even if you have a lot of windows. It’s a good investment to get windows and it’s one that helps you spend less on your utility bills as well so why skip out on it?

These are just some of the most important and beautiful and latest bathroom remodel trends there are in the bathroom remodeling industry for Washington DC. There’s basically no limit to what you can request for your bathroom remodeling but it’s always good to check out what other people have done with their bathrooms.

What you choose will be completely up to you but it’s always better to be mindful of the trends. What you want at the end of the day is a bathroom that’s both timeless and worth it. These trends have proven time and time again that investing in your bathroom remodeling isn’t always such a bad idea, In fact, it can be something that’s worth your time.

For your free quotes and designs, feel free to call our office today or visit us on Yelp.

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